ad arguendo links and feeds page

Second to Ad Arguendo's highest aspiration, which is to provide thought-provoking daily content on the entire range of law practice and law firm management issues, Ad Arguendo's most important purpose is to keep the legal practitioner as connected as humanly possible to all sources of news, commentary, thought and research regarding the same from the primary sources across the globe. Ad Arguendo continually updates its sources to ensure that there is "no stone left unturned" in its quest for excellence in this arena.

Ad Arguendo requests all suggestions for further links or feeds be submitted through a comment to this post.

If these twin goals can be met, then this weblog will have met its ambition to be the must-have homepage of every lawyer.

Links to Essential News Sources

These are organized into the following categories: Legal News, Financial / World / National News , Law Management & Law Firm Economics Blog (Feeds are in the opposite column), Research/Reference, and Economics (General).

Management Feeds

Management Feeds
Cutting-edge management information for the law firm manager, MP and other leaders, from all the top business theorists

Knowledge@Wharton -- Executive Education

Knowledge@Wharton -- Leadership and Change

Knowledge@Wharton -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Accenture’s Blog on Accelerating High Performance Business